Keeping the Mexican traditional values alive

Keeping the Mexican traditional values alive

By: Christopher Buzalsky

First of all, Mexico is well known for its vibrant, colorful and unique culture. The traditions and customs of the Mexican people are varied and diverse. They are proud of their native heritage and each region has its own cultural practices and celebrations. Some of these celebrations include:



Day of the Dead (November 1st and 2nd)



During this festival, offerings are made to the souls of ancestors. Shrines are built in homes to honor departed relatives and there are often all-night vigils at graves. Market stalls sell “pan de muertos” and colorfully iced sugar skulls.







Independence Day (September 16th)


This is Mexico’s most important National Holiday that celebrates Mexico’s liberation from Spanish rule in 1810. Mexico City is a great place to be for this festival with the Cry of Independence being recited by the people followed by fireworks, music and dancing.


Although these celebrations are widely celebrated throughout Mexico and will continue to be celebrated, the national identity of Mexican culture seems to be fading quietly by the Americanization process. The influences from movies, music, and social media can play an impact so it is important to instill and teach the children of today the importance of Mexican traditional values. 🇲🇽

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